The ROXIN Alliance is the preferred partner of several international organizations both public and non-governments when advice is needed on matters of white collar criminal law or compliance. The ROXIN Alliance works closely with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, African Development Bank, Association of International Penal Law, Basel Institute of Governance and the World Bank.
- World Bank | Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development
The ROXIN Alliance has partnered with the World Bank, Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development as an Intellectual Partner.
Purpose of the GFLJD
The Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development was established by the World Bank to fill the void of a permanent global knowledge exchange forum, by providing an innovative and dynamic international system of exchange and knowledge translation.
The overall purpose of the GFLJD is to provide a mechanism for continual and efficient knowledge exchange and co-generation amongst its partners in order to contribute to social development and the strengthening of law and justice. The concrete objective of GFLJD is to facilitate the identification, discussion, production and/or sharing of innovative and customised legal institutional tools to address global, regional or national development challenges.
The Forum currently has 92 partners drawn from all over the world and operates through different working groups.
The role of the ROXIN Alliance in the GFLJD
The ROXIN Alliance is part of the Working Group on Governance and Anti-Corruption. The Alliance will be contributing to this partnership through its collective expertise in the areas of:
- Prevention and law enforcement against international corruption
- Corporate criminal liability and compliance programs
- White collar crime regulation
It is indeed a great honour and privilege for the ROXIN Alliance, to be a partner with the World Bank, Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development.For more information concerning the GFLJD, please visit the official Website.