In order to further strengthen business ties and relations with MZM Legal in India, ROXIN Rechtsanwälte LLP sent a delegation comprising of Dr. Karl Sidhu and Mr. Alexander von Saucken to India. The five day summit commencing on the 3rd of June 2012, saw both ROXIN Rechtsanwälte LLP and MZM Legal discuss the way forward for exploring business opportunities and enhancing cooperation between the two law firms.
MZM Legal hosted a daylong conference on the 5th of June 2012 with the theme of determining ‘Compliance Solutions for the Indian Market’. Besides speakers from ROXIN Rechtsanwälte LLP and MZM Legal, notable speakers were Mr. PR Ramesh who formerly headed the international division of the Securities and Exchange Board of India and Mr. Abhinav Mohindru who formerly had set up the Ethics & Integrity practice at Kochhar & Co.
Various constructive action plans were drawn up including, establishing a formal knowledge exchange mechanism, to set up an ‘exchange program’ between the firms whereby lawyers can work in each other’s offices and to strengthen the relationship with the Indo-German Chambers of Commerce both in India and in Germany.